Miscellaneous Diesel Railroad Drawings- Clasp Brake Schedule XC-321-200S ALCO 2000 H.P. 0-6-6-0 Type Diesel Electric Locomotive American Brake Division, Westinghouse Air Brake Company

SKU/Drawing Number: 2440

Miscellaneous Diesel Railroad Drawings- Clasp Brake Schedule XC-321-200S ALCO 2000 H.P. 0-6-6-0 Type Diesel Electric Locomotive American Brake Division, Westinghouse Air Brake Company
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Drawing Title: Clasp Brake Schedule XC-321-200S ALCO 2000 H.P. 0-6-6-0 Type Diesel Electric Locomotive American Brake Division, Westinghouse Air Brake Company
Scale to 1 ft.: 2”
DWG. Size (in): 25x100