Union Pacific C-2 2-8-0 Locomotive Drawings S - Set-

SKU/Drawing Number: UP-C-2-SET

Union Pacific C-2 2-8-0 Locomotive Drawings S - Set-
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This Set Includes the following

Drawing Number Drawing Title Scale to 1 ft DWG. Size (in) Wheel Arrangement
423-CA-4448 Erecting Diagram – Elevation & Sections 1/2” 24x19 2-8-0
403-CA-5619 Engine Truck – Arrange. 6” x 10”  Journals 3” 22x30 2-8-0
723-CA-28547 Rods – Main Rod 3” 22x30 2-8-0
725-CA-31636 Rods – Side Rods 3” 18x54 2-8-0
953-CA-23533 Wheels – Driving Wheel Centers  57” 1 1/2” 24x30 2-8-0